Wednesday, June 8, 2016

JoJo Week Three(cont.): Oh, PocoNO You Didn't!

Welcome back to the out-of-whack schedule that everyone hates but that we still tolerate because this show controls our lives. ABC has once again decided to monopolize my week with episodes on back-to-back nights. I had to cancel so many important, wild, social Tuesday night plans to watch this episode (JK I had to put down my cross stitch and stop petting my dog.)
What's so wrong with episode formulas?
We pick up where we left off, at the pool party. Everyone thinks that Chad is about to announce that he's leaving. PSYCHE, he's just explaining his poor behavior in a way that makes sense to absolutely no one except Chad.

Evan: "Chad, you owe me a new shirt and an apology."
Chad: "Counteroffer: I'll give you twenty bucks and punch you in the face."

During that whole conversation Evan was so incredulous but mostly just spastic. Wells jumps in with his tiny shorts and level headed opinions. Such an adorable voice of reason. I think it's very brave of him because if Wells spoke his mind and Chad didn't agree, Wells would be dead in appx .3 seconds.

Pool party! Everyone strip! And put on sunscreen! (Off camera, tho, because sunscreen is for nerds)
My kind of pool party
JoJo: "It's been a little stressful this week. Hopefully the pool party will take the edge off and not make the guys insane and jealous."
^famous last words

They do normal pool party activities like having chicken fights and sneakily checking out the only bikini-clad girl present. You know, the usj.

The guys do a cute little diving stunt for JoJo. Evan gets a nosebleed. Classic Evan.

JoJo is skeptical about Jordan. She thinks he may be too good to be true, and rightly so! YOU GO, GLEN JOJO. YOU ASK ALL THE QUESTIONS YOU NEED. But seriously, ask him some questions. Making out with Jordan will not get you any information whatsoever. If you're gonna marry the guy you're gonna need to talk to him.

Chad has his first verbal altercation of MANY during this episode. This one's with Derek. Derek holds his own like a damn man during this confrontation. My ovaries are exploding right now. Derek I love you but your lapels need some work.

We finally get a rose ceremony. She chooses all the predictables and then Chad, yes Chad, the psychotic altercation-point-MVP gets the final rose of the night. That is a producer planted rose if I've ever seen one. We get at least one more week of his antics, which is good for the league but makes NO SENSE for JoJo. Ali, Christian and Nick B go home. Not at all surprised, but def disappointed.
Killin' me.
League rules reminder: All rose ceremony points went under "Week 3." Moving forward through the next rose ceremony, whenever that may be, will be "Week 4." This means your Week 3 points changed from yesterday.

The crew travels to exotic Pennsylvania for their first destination of the year. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Pocono Mountains and Amish people, but I have a sneaking suspicion from all the hotel name drops that JoJo didn't pick this locale.

Luke gets first one-on-one. They wander through the forest and arrive at....wait for it... the First Hot Tub of the season! It's a wood fire hot tub which requires Luke to chop some wood first. By design, this activity gets his muscles all toned and bulging for his shirtlessness. He picks her up like no man has ever been able to pick me up and daintily places her in the scalding water.
These two might be LOVAHS afterall.
Side note, Luke wins an award for most un-photogenic. His contestant photo looked hella crooked, but in all of these film shots his face is of a normal layout. Seriously, did he have pink eye when they took that? In any case, I now have him on my short list of front runners.
Luke gets all personal and does the whole "open up" thing. He shows some depth, tells a heartbreaking story and makes me and JoJo swoon. He's got this broody country boy thing going on and we're all diggin' it. Luke gets a rose.

JoJo takes Luke go to a Ben and Jay Jan and Ray Dan and Shay concert where EVERY SINGLE ATTENDEE has their phone up. I couldn't pay attention to anything else that was going on because I was having flashbacks of all concerts I've had to watch though the phone of Suzie Social Media standing in front of me. Put your phone down and let love happen!

The group date is at Heinz Field (that's a football stadium, for you non-ESPNers). Jordan is foaming at the mouth hoping for another tryout. The guys start to get a little violent and sweetheart James Taylor gets his face smashed so hard that he needs stitches. He's looking a hot mess and does his best to stick it out. Note to the producers, we love these Medical Attention points. Next season you should try rugby or UFC.
While the rest of the guys are on the date, Chad, Alex and Luke are hanging out, yelling at each other at the hotel. Casual vacation activities for most families. Alex keeps poking the Chad-shaped bear with very passive aggressive questions.

Back in Football Land the guys play a game of touch football featuring Jordan as the all-time peacock quarterback. These guys are straight up terrible. Did JoJo list "bad at sports" as one of her preferences in men? Magically, the all-injured team wins so Evan, Jordan, James T, Robby and Derek get to spend more time with JoJo tonight.
Evan continues to show his Dorky Dad colors. He seems to have a permanent bloody nose. I thought Evan was going home on the first night, so I'm flabbergasted he's made it this far.

On the date, my team cash cow, Jordan, gets Falling for You points! Reminder: these points go to the first man to tell JoJo that he is "falling in love with her" or "falling for her." Naturally, this earns him the date MVP rose! He's single handedly carrying my team like he carried the football date.

The next day, prior to our two-on-one date, Chad chooses Jordan to take out his nervous anger on. Jordan makes one sass-tastic comment and Chad flips his Mr. Hyde switch and starts threatening to hunt Jordan down Taken-style after this Journey is complete. I can't even laugh at this anymore because Chad very clearly needs some professional help.
Now that Chad's in such a great mood, he gets to go on a two-on-one date with his BFFL Alex. Slight upside: both guys earn First Helicopter points!

The date is a hike in the woods and the tension could be cut with a pocket knife. I'm hiding under a blanket due to the third party awkwardness. Chad and Alex want to murder each other, and you can tell both are looking around at all the potential weapons in the woods around them.

Alex warns JoJo that she's dating a psychopath. She's all "are you sure he's not a sociopath?" Immediately following her chat with Alex, she straight up tells Chad about the Alex shit-talking. She's pretty much feeding Alex to a rabid bear. Chad's eyes go black and I think his head spun around once. JoJo is acting surprised as if all Chads aren't like this.
Chad's vampire/killer transition ^
Side note, I've been looking for an excuse to use a Buffy gif for YEARS. Thanks, Chad.
JoJo gives the default rose to Alex, shocking no one. Chad is left wandering the forest in the night, Deliverance-style. He wanders all the way back to the contestant lodge where...the episode cuts.

We have to wait two weeks for the next episode because ABC has no respect for my emotional stability.

Huge points week, y'all. Anyone with Chad/Evan/Alex scored BIG on altercation points. I refuse to draft Chads on principle and Evan reminded me of Larry the Lesbian, so needless to say, Julie's Juiceheads are starting their decline.

Love and Roses,


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