Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Nick V Week Nine: PSYCH!

This week's episode was chock full of absolute horseshit nonsense. I am not happy about it.
Shaking my wine glass fist at you, ABC.
And so, since we've been enjoying our stay we're fuming at this reprehensible production schedule, we are choosing to forgo these individual episodes, and will publish them as a couple in the Fantasy Suite next week. 
Me right now on the outside.

Me right now on the inside.

How I feel about Andi showing up. YOU'RE WASTING MY PRECIOUS, VALUABLE TIME, ANDI.

How the Roses to Riches blogging table looks.

What I want to do to Chris Harrison's face. I hate how much I love you.

Furious but powerless.

Been waiting all season for Nick to bust out the turtlenecks so I could show off this side-by-side. The resemblance is uncanny.


Love and F***ing Roses,

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Nick V Week Eight: Needs More Ja Rule--I Mean--Chris Harrison

Happy Tuesday, y'all. Eliz here. Sorry to disappoint, but Sam's Roses to Riches cameo has ended for now. But not without a casual tripling of our regular page views. If you're a Sam Fan, PLEASE STAY. We love you.

This episode picks up where we left off, with a tragic recap of Kristina's departure. A reminder to Kristina, wherever you are: You are WAY too good for Nick. Always know that.

Corinne is convinced she's going home. However, she's only got one arm pulled through her jacket sleeves so I'm automatically discrediting everything she says.
Rachel: "The situation is that four people will get a hometown date and there are four people left."

Corinne: "Nick comes in with roses but I can't count so I don't know how many there are. Also I run a multi-million dollar company."

Turns out, Nick has brought four roses in and gives one to each remaining girl! I AM SO SHOCKED AT THIS TURN OF EVENTS.

This casual af Rose Ceremony reminds me of Season One, when they all used to sit on the couch in their slacks and turtlenecks (for real) while Alex Michel handed out leafy, thorny roses (for real) in his baggy, late-nineties suit (FOR REAL). Fifty seasons later: a lot less fabric, but otherwise exactly the same. This show hasn't aged a bit. Neither has Chris Harrison.

Speaking of, where is that sneaky little devil? We haven't seen him since, what, New Orleans? Was he even in St. Thomas? Is ABC grandfathering him out so they can replace him with Nick? I mean, their cumulative screen time across all seasons has to be pretty similar by this point. Come back, Chris Harrison. I need you. America needs you.

First hometown visit is Hoxie, Arkansas with That's So Raven. This date is straight out of MTV's Buckwild, aka every Arkansas country boy's wet dream. Boy meets girl. Girl arrives to date on a 4-wheeler in Daisy Dukes and a slinky white crop top. Boy and girl go muddin' on the 4-wheeler, roll around in the bog and climb a grain bin. A modern day romance, I tell ya.

A cop pulls up to give them some grief about climbing on the grain bin. Nick looks pretty nervy until we find out that the cop is actually Raven's brother! Let's all act surprised together. On the count of three...
They meet Raven's parents. Raven's mom chooses this moment to announce that Raven's dad is cancer-free! Nick claps embarrassingly loud but we're happy for them. It's emotional and sweet. Raven visits with Mom and Nick visits with Dad. Tbh, between Nick's mumbling and all the Southern accents, some parts of these convos desperately need subtitles. The cop brother has disappeared. Someone's climbing the grain bin again.

Nick doesn't waste any time with small talk and asks Raven's dad for his blessing. He gets the green light.
One down, three to go.
Raven wants to say I Love You to Nick but she just can't do it yet. She's too afraid. That's SO Raven.

We're off to Dallas to see Rachel.

Good thing Nick is wearing a suit because Rachel takes him to CHURCH! YAS GIRL this makes me love her so much more. They get a special shout out from the pastor. Nick does impressively well. By that I mean that Nick is able to at least appear to be having an okay time. Pretty sure the last time he was in a church, he was snogging with Kaitlyn in the confessional. After typing that sentence I probably should see myself to a confessional...

Nick: "This is a little different from my church at home that I haven't been to in many years."

I have mixed feelings here. This date makes me really disappointed that Rachel doesn't win, but also SO EXCITED for her to be the Bachelorette.

Daddy Lindsay, a Texas Federal Judge, can't be at dinner because of work obligations. AKA he would like to maintain his legit legal career and also he's busy weeping for his daughter's future legal career.

1000% guarantee that he is actually there but they're just cutting out his scenes because he wouldn't sign the release form.

They meet the fam bam. Younger sister Heather looks JUST like Rachel. Older sister Constance is married to "a white." His words, not mine. Apparently the Lindsay family motto is, "You don't need to have black skin, but you need to have thick skin." I love that. Hey, totally random question: does Rachel have a brother who is maybe also hiding off screen while clutching his law degree for dear life? Asking for a friend...
Can I marry into this family?
They have multiple serious conversations about race. I would say this is an historic moment for this franchise but that technically would be inaccurate. Fun fact: the First Real Kiss in Bachelor History was between the Bachelor, Alex, and a black woman named LaNease. They discussed race briefly and she made it pretty far. Another fun fact: that Bachelor only kissed like 7 of the 30 contestants that season. Imagine the havoc Corinne would have wreaked on that group! But I digress...

This hometown date with Rachel's family is a big effin deal. Very excited about what this means for future seasons/humanity. Rachel's mom expresses her approval of Nick. A little sad because we know it's about to end for Rachel (and she's the one remaining contestant on my team), but I can't wait to watch her again next season. I'M A SUCKER, OKAY.

Next we go to Miami! Cuban music plays in the background but I don't anticipate any local Cuban cultural experiences.

Corinne and Nick spend the day doing what Corinne does best: blowing through obscene amounts of money for no good reason. They go shopping at "the most exclusive mall in Miami." I think that means you definitely have to own the Visa Infinite Eurasian Diamond Card, which has a literal diamond embedded in the card. Easy.

Nick: "When Corinne walks into these stores it's like Christmas morning for the employees because now they can buy Christmas presents for their families with the commission they're about to make."

Nick jokes about having to pick up a few extra jobs to afford being Corinne's sig oth. Meanwhile, we're laughing because when he says "extra jobs" we know he just means "one real job" because INSTAGRAM IS NOT A JOB.

Nick tries on an ombre Juicy Couture haute couture track suit that costs a cool grand and a half. He doesn't buy it because it's too "Miami Soccer Dad" and he's not ready for that self-fulfilling prophecy. He ends up selecting a simple grey sweater made of unicorn hair, regular slim fit navy chinos that were hand-dyed with actual liquefied sapphires, and blue suede shoes that were dug up and retrieved from Elvis Presley's grave. Corinne signs away close to $3,500 on ONE outfit for Nick, which is more than I pay for three months' rent. As I scoff at them in disgust, I catch a glimpse of the last bite of my dinner: Sunday brunch leftovers. I shed a single tear into my glass of boxed wine.
At lunch, Corinne tells Nick she loves him. It's so awkward and forced. 10 reluctant points to Corinne.

They go to the family's high rise condo for dinner. Corinne's dad makes Nick eat a Greek olive that actually does look delicious. Unfortunately, Nick appears to detest olives. It takes him for.ev.er to chew and he kind of chokes a little while he grits through his teeth that it's the best. olive. he's. ever. had.
Run away fast, Nick. This is your future.
We finally meet the famous Raquel, who serves dinner and then does the Mom Chat with Nick. Raquel is underwhelming in a way that makes me want to organize a rescue operation to liberate her from this family's claws. Although, to be fair, based on Corinne's casual spending habits, Raquel probably makes more money than I ever will. Sooo... #worthit?

Corinne and her dad have girl talk on her bed, which is very uncomfortable to watch. Daddy is worried that Nick is a street urchin who won't be able to provide for Jasmine. Valid concern since Nick is currently unemployed.

During Nick's chat, Mr. Corinne teaches Nick how ergonomic wine glasses work. Nick is so appreciative. Now he finally knows what that little divot is! He does not move his thumb for the rest of the evening. After enduring a painful conversation about who will be the breadwinner, Nick gets the blessing from Corinne's dad. He's 2 for 3 at this point.

Nick says goodbye to Corinne and suddenly I start to feel sorry for her. It's pretty clear that she really has fallen in love with Nick and wants to end up with him. At the risk of sounding slut-shame-y, Corinne probably has never had a man engage in actual conversation with her so often without also having sex with her. He's the first person to tolerate like her for her--not just for her platinum vagine--and she definitely thinks he's the only one who ever will. Corinne! You have good things coming your way if you just grow the eff up. YOU ARE WORTHY OF HAPPINESS. YOU CAN REDEEM YOURSELF. I BELIEVE IN YOU.
Pretty impressed by my own mature opinions on this topic. I've come full circle with Corinne.
Nick saved the best for last, and we go to Montreal to reunite with Vanessa. "Oh, Canada" plays joyously upon our arrival. Now the national anthem of Genovia is stuck in my head.

They go to Vanessa's school and Nick is immediately overwhelmed with emotion.
Shout out to Skenny for this wonderful snap.
They make scrapbooks with Vanessa's students.

Nick: "It was so cool that the interns were able to figure out how to print photos in Canada!"

First they go to V's mom's house. Did we know her parents were divorced? This feels like new information. There are one million of Vanessa's EEEE-talian family members there, so Nick feels right at home. Just a regular Sunday dinner for the Viall fam.

Vanessa's mom: "What is special about Vanessa?"
Nick: "She thick."

The family's biggest concerns are: 1) What is Nick's actual job? 2) You live in different countries? 3) Can Nick think with his brain and not his dick?
We'd all like to know.
There's a 99% chance I have seen this house on Love It or List It. It looks so familiar.

Next they go see Dad. Nick doesn't beat around the bush and asks for permission to marry Vanessa right away. Vanessa's dad ultimately gives in and then immediately spills the beans to Vanessa that Nick also asked all the other parents the same question.
Ooooooo Nick's in trouble.
Nick should've pulled a Ben Higgins and called the parents of the winner right before he proposed. Like just leave em a voicemail: "Hey man, 'bout to propose to your daughter. We cool? Just text me."

Vanessa is ~*QuEsTiOnInG eVeRytHiNg*~. She's finally realized that she's in a competition with other people. Welcome to the world, baby girl.

They all meet up for the Rose Ceremony in Brooklyn, Nick's "favorite city in the world." Vanessa is pulling out ALL the stops with this dress. The competition is hers to lose at this point, but she doesn't see herself as the front runner anymore.

OH MY GAWD ABC ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME WITH THIS AMATEUR BULLSHIT CLIFFHANGER? How is it that I can love and hate you, a television network, with so much passion? Why you gotta do us like that? Like can't you just go on the Activia diet and get regular for once? Plus, this cutoff is particularly insulting because we all know that literally nothing about this Andi conversation will be hostile. Just get on with it already. We're invested, okay? We don't need these dumb antics anymore.

Check your points. Vanessa cried a bunch this episode. My teams are donezo. We're getting down to the wire.

Love and Roses,

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Nick V Week Seven: Frustrated and Bloated. UGHHHHH.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm hesitant relieved to hand the reins over to Sam this week. You may know him as your favorite guest blogger. I just know him as the man who unseated me as the RtR Page View Record Holder. Last year's post blew my numbers out of the water. But I'm not bitter about it at all.

Just kidding, Sam. Love you to pieces. Every week I pretend you're sitting next to me on my couch and I test blog one liners on you. Creepy? Maybe. Okay. Here you go, everyone, I know y'all love him the most anyway. But I'M NOT BITTER ABOUT IT. Sam F, people.

I’m incredibly excited to be back guest blogging for RosesToRiches! I haven’t done as much writing post-college as I would have liked, but HEY DAD! LOOK I’M GUEST BLOGGING FOR A BACHELOR FAN SITE!

Let's get into it, shall we?

The episode starts with all of the girls sitting on the couch reflecting on the events of the previous night. They definitely don’t love how the night unfolded. Nick is clearly worried that he isn’t going to find what he’s looking for, and the girls, in turn, are worried that Nick is worried that he isn’t going to find what he is looking for. Woh did you follow that? Nick storms off and the girls worry that he might never come back.

“Maybe he isn’t ready for this.” Fair.

“I’m terrified that he’s checking out for good.” Eh, less fair.

“I’ve actually never been more afraid about what might happen next.” My eyes LITCHRALLY cannot roll any further back into my head.

The next morning, Nick makes his way back to the girls’ hotel room. He sits them all down and begins to discuss the exact same topic. He goes on and on about how he might not be able to continue doing this. Listen, I get that he’s afraid that this whole journey (ugh, I hate that I just used that word) might end without an engagement. I get it. But Nick, you gotttttta stop talking about it. He has the girls on the edges of their seats because they genuinely think he is going to pull out of the show for good…?
Oops, I was wrong. My eyes just rolled back a little further.

SURPRISINGLY, Nick stays on the show and tells the girlies that A) there will be no rose ceremony and that B) they’re all going to Bimini!

First confession of the night: I, like each of the girls, had no idea where Bimini was, nor did I know that such a place even existed. I wonder how many takes of the Bimini announcement they had to do to get the appropriate level of excitement.

They land in Bimini (which I now know is a small island, part of the Bahamas, about 50 miles off the coast of Miami) and the girls run into their hotel room with more enthusiasm than I personally think was warranted. Honestly, it’s like these women have never been in a hotel room before. They run into the bedroom: “A BED!” They run into the family room: “A COUCH!”
Let's bring it down a notch.
A knock at the door: the first date card of the episode. It’s a one on one date with Vanessa! I like Vanessa (and she’s on my team) so let’s just ignore the fact that the date card said “Let’s go deeper, Vanessa.”

Nick takes Vanessa onto a super nice boat. They lounge on the front and discuss how hard the previous week was for the group. Let me just remind everyone….NOTHING ACTUALLY HAPPENED you all just got tired and crabby from playing 20 minutes of beach volleyball. Like, enough of this “last week was so difficult” nonsense.

Back at the apartment, Corinne starts going off on Vanessa to the other women. Her main argument is that Vanessa has no depth. Which is ironic, given that Corinne is about as deep as the latest Pussycat Dolls album.

Nick and Vanessa jump off the boat and swim towards a shipwreck. And what a beautiful coral reef! Wouldn’t it be nice if it stayed that way? Let’s be real…global warming is destroying that reef faster than Corinne destroyed her poolside nachos from last week’s episode.

During the dinner portion of the one-on-one, Vanessa states that she wants ease in a relationship, which is perplexing given the fact that she willingly went on a reality TV dating show starring ARGUABLY one of the most unpopular bachelors in the show’s history. But yes, Vanessa, you get that ease.

He looks a little bored, doesn’t he? She is talking a bunch and he looks like he’d rather be somewhere else.

She says she loves him and he responds that he really likes her. He even follows up with an explanation: he only wants to only say “I love you” to one girl. Within the Bachelor guidelines, she should have taken this as a compliment. CURSE YOU BEN HIGGINS FOR MAKING IT A POSSIBILITY THAT THE BACHELOR SAYS I LOVE YOU TO MORE THAN ONE GIRL. Also, Ben Higgins…swoon.
This used to be a formula show.

Next we have the group date! Corinne, Raven, and Kristina! Nick invites the girls onto another massive yacht. Oh by the way, Corinne has been on a bigger yacht than this. Did everyone hear that? Guys, Corinne has been on a bigger yacht than this, pass it along.

As they settle onto the boat, Nick begins applying suntan lotion to the women. Wait, did you just ask if he forgot to apply sunscreen to their inner thighs? I KNOW! IT’S A SENSITIVE AREA AND BURNS REALLY EASILY! But no, Nick didn’t forget their inner thighs….

While on the boat, Nick tells the three women that they’re all going to go swimming with the sharks. TBH we’re all just waiting for Alexis to show up and try to convince them that the sharks are actually dolphins.
^How we hoped this would pan out^

On a personal note, it’s a goal of mine to swim with the sharks so if anyone knows how to make that happen, please get in touch.

They aren’t out in the water very long before Kristina has a little bit of a panic attack. She starts to cry and is consoled by Nick. This, obviously, doesn’t impress Corinne. She is NOT happy about the attention Kristina is getting. It must be really awkward for Corinne and Raven to be on this one-on-one date with Nick and Kristina….

Cut to the cocktail portion of the group date. Corinne, girl…you’re drunk already and the party hasn’t even started. Kristina, unsurprisingly, gets pulled for some one on one time first. Nick is SO into her. She kind of came out of nowhere (…Siberia…?). Nick starts tearing up again about…say it out loud with me on the count of three:





She actually consoles him, which was nice to see. Like, not a Corinne-style “let me console you with my tongue,” ordeal but rather, a genuine and sincere showing of empathy.

The camera cuts to Chad eating meat Corinne eating cubes and cubes of cheese while discussing, again, how she is annoyed that she isn’t getting more one-on-one time with Nick.

Nick pulls Raven over for some time alone. He asks her if she calls her dad “daddy,” which I found odd. His reaction to her saying “yes” made me think he was disappointed that the nickname was already taken…

We do find out some important information about Raven, though. Her father was diagnosed with lung cancer a couple years back, which was why she decided to give up on law school. It was nice to see a more vulnerable tint to Raven. And it looked like Nick was touched that she decided to share such an important detail with him.

Then it’s Corinne’s turn with Nick. Ugh. She is insufferable.

She says something along the lines of “I hate to be that girl who complains about this stuff but I haven’t had a one on-one with you yet.” “I hate to be that girl, but….” is NEVER a good way to start a conversation with anyone, let alone the person you’re actively trying to date. Nick eventually tells Corinne to stop worrying – she is still part of the competition so clearly she’s doing something right. NICK YOU IDIOT.

At the end of the night the rose is given to Raven. I would have chosen Kristina given their interactions but I’ve given up trying to understand how Nick thinks.
Nothing he says makes sense.
Nick takes Raven outside to watch the Adam Friedman concert….

Ok. I’ll wait while you Google Adam Freidman. I know! Not bad, huh? It’s good, but it sorta seems like the show spent their entire entertainment budget on the Backstreet Boys and are now left scrounging around the Nashville karaoke scene for “qualified” “performers.”

Raven and Nick makeout while sorta slow dancing / sorta grinding (ugh, I just cringed writing that word) and the night comes to an end.

Next date night is a one-on-one with Danielle! For the longest time Danielle was my number one pick. She was intelligent, beautiful, engaging, and fun. But something is different this time around. They don’t have much chemistry. They bike around the island and exchange awkward silences left and right.

They eventually settle into a cool little local bar on the water – perfect for romantic conversation. They start off by talking about their day together. There is so little to talk about that they resort to looking out into the water and debating whether a big rock in the middle of the ocean is made of shells or solid rock. Low point, guys.

Cut to the chase…
^Summation of their entire interaction^
SIDE BAR – I was just informed that Chase and Robby (from JoJo’s season) live together. I believe it was Lizzie McGuire who famously said, “THIS IS WHAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF.” Holy MAN. I’m sweating.

Back to reality – Nick tells Danielle that he doesn’t see their future going any further together. Danielle is heartbroken. And I’m heartbroken watching her. I don’t think they were right for each other, but her pleading for him to “walk back through that door” was devastating.

The camera cuts to Corinne who is getting ready to go pay Nick a surprise late night visit. She is brushing her hair, doing her lips, tucking her devil horns back into her head, putting on nice shoes…you know, the usual. She. Is. CRAZY.

She knocks and he willlllingly invites her in. They’re sitting on the couch talking and Nick takes her hand and places it on his head to initiate a long makeout. I’ve concluded that, while I don’t LOVE Corinne, NICK is truly the problem. The dude just wants to take her to the fantasy suite and that’s all he cares about at this point. After they take their couch hookup to the bed, he stops her because he doesn’t want to take things too far. Oh wow! Nick DOES have a moral compass! She wobbles (the drinks + the high heels) back to her own hotel room feeling more self-conscious than when she left for Nick’s.
Incredibly uncomfortable to watch.
The next date goes to Rachel! Easily my favorite contestant on the show this season. Down to earth, smart, beautiful, engaging, fun! I kind of wish she was the next Bachelorette…


They actually have chemistry together. Nick gets giddy around her, which I love. They go to a quiet, non-touristy bar, and talk about hometowns. Nothing revolutionary in their conversation but they interact like a real couple. Their date is quick, but Rachel returns home very confident in how it went.

Nick, while talking to Chris Harrison, admits he knows who he wants to send home. He also tells Chris he would rather let the woman know in private vs. having a formal rose ceremony. He walks into the women’s suite and asks to speak with Kristina.




Are we being punk'd?
He pulls her aside and tells her that he feels love for her, but that he isn’t falling in love with her. She claims he didn’t give her a fair chance, which is completely accurate. She is distraught and shattered – totally understandable given their last couple interactions.

It is absolutely ridiculous that he kicked her off and kept Corinne. I just don’t get it. Nick has lost all credibility in my eyes. If Corinne makes it past hometowns, I might not continue to watch.

Psych. I’ll continue to watch regardless…..I just really hope he comes to his senses.

And if he doesn’t, I can still rest easy knowing that CHASE AND ROBBY LIVE TOGETHER IN REAL LIFE.

We’re left with yet another cliffhanger. Someone has planted the idea in Corinne’s head that she still might get cut. Which would be ah.maz.ing. But we won’t know until next week.

Check your points. Smack talk with your pool.
Love and Stuff,
Sam F

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Nick V Week Six: Turnt Up Turnips

Greetings, Bachies. I'm writing this week from my parents' home in Indiana (about an hour away from our buddy Ben H). Yes, that means my mama and father are watching with me. That also means I had to settle for nasty sweet red wine my parents got as a gift two Christmases ago. The Suttons are beer people, not reality TV people, but I'm making do.

My father is pretending to not to pay attention but totally is. He pokes his head out from his historical fiction novel and chimes in with a "which one is she" every few minutes. Mama thinks all the girls have self esteem issues.

Quick little note since we had our lovely guest blogger, Jillian, last week: did anyone notice a certain commissioner in the background of Nick and Rachel's New Orleans date? That's right, I'm apparently connected enough in the New Orleans scene to be invited as an extra for Bachelor filming (New Orleans people will snort at that statement; every New Orleanian has been an extra in something in the past two years.) The episode was filmed the second week in October, and we got to enjoy the music stylings of LOLO, who is a huge Bach fan and all-around fabulous. Check her out.
So I'm basically part of the Bach cast family now, right?
The whole experience was hilarious, and before anyone gets all up in arms about my inside knowledge, I cleared my drafting eligibility with the Board of Directors who confirmed not enough actionable info was spoiled. Since I'm a celebrity now, let me know if an AMA is in order.
Taken while Rachel was whisked away for an interview immediately post-second line.
Back to the week at hand:
ABC brings us back to the end of the swamp tour/voodoo two-on-one. The lucky PA of the day gets to ominously remove Taylor's suitcase from the girls' hotel suite, but she's not going down without a fight. Taylor catches a ride to Nick and Corinne's date, gives him a quick warning about Corinne and clarification about herself.
"I'm not a bully" - Taylor
"Sure. Ok. Corinne is DTF tho. Swipe left." - Nick

Point-keeping housekeeping: Taylor received the 15 points for coming back after elimination because she came back to interact with the lead. This is based on a precedent ruling set last season when Chad came back after elimination and only spoke to the guys, but later Chase came back and actually talked with JoJo. The rule on Return After Elimination points is that the returning contestant must come back to interact with Nick after being dumped, instead of just taking the breakup with dignity. Direct all complaints ABC interns.
15 points ain't no joke.
Back at my ranch (JK, its a middle class midwestern home next to a cornfield), my mama thinks this show is awful, but she's proud that I'm winning my pool. My dad is confused about the format and why no one cheers when their friends get roses.

Nick cuts Jaimi, Alexis, and Josephine. No one is surprised, but I am sad to see Dolphin Girl go. She was the Dog Lover of our time. Pour one out for Alexis--but don't pour out the good wine, only the nasty sweet red. The rest of the contestants, finally trimmed down to 9, are headed to St. Thomas. Mama Sutton doesn't think any of the girls know where that is and finds all of the fake hugs amusing.

Side note: Chris Harrison apparently had a prior commitment for this scene and was not the one to announce the St. Thomas destination. Seeing Nick do it with such stilted and awkward enthusiasm just reaffirms all of my affection for Our Lord and Savior. Miss u, Chris.

More point-keeping reminders: Week Five points stopped here, and everything in St. Thomas counts for Week Six. If you haven't figured this annoying quirk out yet, you're not paying close enough attention to your points each week. Also, since we're now down to a single digit number of contestants, rose value will increase by one point each week. Week Six roses will count for two points.

Kristina gets the first one-on-one of the week, which begins with a sea plane ride to some ruins. We find out that she's one of eight children, plus she has a sibling back in Russia. Can you imagine trying to gather all of her and Nick's families together for a holiday? It'd be as crowded as Night One at the mansion!
Seriously, that's like 18 kids in the two families.
Jasmine is full of tears this week. She's bitter about not having a one-on-one date yet, which is justifiable considering Corinne is still there. She's beginning to spiral. Stay tuned.

Lorna the paid actress  housekeeper  highly offensive stereotype nanny (?) comes to visit the girls back at the penthouse. Corinne gets an entitled sparkle in her eye and quickly asks for dry cleaning services and nachos. I'm not at all ok with this. Poor taste, ABC.

Kristina tells a heartbreaking story about her childhood living with a negligent mom and then in an orphanage in Russia. I have zero snark in response to this because she has had a rough life and has overcome a lot. She's my new favorite and I now consider her too good for Nick.

Side note: my parents just realized this is a two hour show. They are less than pleased.
My dad would rather be watching American Pickers.
Group date to an island including a competitive volleyball game. The group gets nice and toasty, aka wasted. Viewers are gifted a shot of Jasmine pushing Corinne to the ground and oh how I wish this was elaborated on. The day started pleasantly, but ends with half the gang in tequila-inspired tears. FYI, Jasmine's push is NOT a physical altercation because it appears to be playful-ish roughhousing--not violent animosity.

"If Jasmine were a vegetable, she'd be a turnip, because she is turned all the way up." -That's SO Raven
Mix some tequila with jet lag and low self-worth, and VOILA: prime time entertainment.
Jasmine is quickly free falling into the land of self destruction via non-stop talking. She thinks she's the only girl not getting screen time validation. In a strange turn of events, she brings it up to him and then threatens to choke him in a maybe-kidding, sexually violent kind of way. Per Bachelor tradition, her complaining gets her booted off. More unceremonious elimination points!

My mom decides to go to bed at this point. Her loss.

Raven got the group date rose, but ABC didn't feel the need to include it in the final edit. Rude. Instead, we see three of the girls day-drunk hungover in bed with two empty bottle of Barefoot on the nightstand. Been there.

Danielle L and Whitney on this week's two-on-one. The girls are confused as to why they're pitted against one another when they haven't even bitched about each other. Lately, two-on-ones have been reserved for contestants that hate one another. What a twist!

The date is uneventful, much like Whitney's personality. Nick keeps Danielle L for the moment and they fly away, leaving Whitney marooned on the island, per usual.

Nick mumbles through the evening date. Danielle gives some of the dullest answers to decent questions:

"What are you looking for in a relationship, and don't say something that every relationship is supposed to have" - Nick
"Love and trust" - Danielle, aka D-Lo
"Did you not understand the question?" - Nick
"I think we're on the same page" - Delusional-Lo
*Nick's dead eyes look past her face into the distance*

Danielle gets dropped. He's just not that into her. Unceremonious elimination points for Dumped-Lo and another suitcase is dramatically removed from the penthouse. I'm super jealous of the PA that gets to do the suitcase removal. If that were me, I'd play some kind of dark, suspenseful music as I entered and exited.
^I'd dress like this too^
Post-date Nick stops by to see the girls, and you can tell a producer definitely woke them up for this moment. He's crying and they're hiding their un-made up faces. He whines about having to eliminate girls, and is worried that he doesn't actually like any of the girls but is just there for the a-a-a-a-a-a-alcohol... and Instagram fame.

Stupid ABC gives us another stupid cliffhanger. Producers, I was cool with it a few weeks ago, but I find your lack of formula disturbing. Cut some of the Corinne fluff and give us a Rose Ceremony at the end of next ep, pls.
This is a scream of anger. Not fear.
After the show I asked my dad for his thoughts. He spent several minutes describing the murder mystery novel he's pretending to read instead of watching Bach. I'd put money on him asking me who won a month from now.

That's all for me, folks. Check your points, complain and trash talk in the comments. Speaking of complaints, some whiners are unhappy with the absurd amount of points Corinne has won this season. I think this week balanced that out a bit--also, who could have predicted she'd stay on this long? Seriously, I would have put money on her being gone immediately following the whipped cream incident. People like her are why you need to draft your teams with a balance of crazy & longevity. Also, na-na-na-nana-na, I'm finally winning!

Love and Roses,

We need the $$$