Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Britt/Kaitlyn Week 1, Part 2: Love Hunger Games (the odds are not in Britt's favor)

Wow okay they are not wasting any time here tonight. Getting right down to it! I like the efficiency. Chris Harrison walks over to Britt and drops the bomb on her almost immediately. She takes it surprisingly well and with relatively few tears. KAITLYN IS THE BACHETTE!!!!! Side note: My computer keeps trying to autocorrect "Bachette" to "Machete" so if that pops up anywhere it's unintentional. 

In true form, Chris Harrison then pulls his classic bait and switch with Kaitlyn and says, "We tallied up the votes and.......unfortunately...........barely more than half the guys think you're marginally hotter than Britt." Kaitlyn legit looks like she's gonna vomit and also is trying so hard not to just scream HAHA IN YOUR FACE YOU OVERCONFIDENT BRATZ DOLL at Britt who already peaced out to cry in private.

Yay, Kaitlyn. We all knew it was her but now it's officially official. Let the games begin...

Ian again getting assertive with the immediate steals. A few others follow suit now that they've realized the power is no longer in their hands. #cocktailpartystrategies

Joshua gives her the metal rose which he definitely welded JUST for her.

Chris sneaks in with the first real kiss!!! 10 points to the guy from the cupcake car. That was a cute kiss. Still surprised at happening the first night, like way to build a solid foundation man.

OH SNAP Shawn B totally upstages Cupcake with what might be the hottest first kiss In Bachelor History. Two kisses on the first night! Points only awarded for the first one but seriously Shawn B omg. Wowie. I think all of America needed a cold shower after watching that.

We said goodbye to quite a few men this week, some surprises and some not so much. Excited to find out if Britt and Brady are a thing after that dramatic mid-rose ceremony self-removal. Josh the stripper is going back to stripping, Shawn E the sex coach is going back to sex coaching. Bradley and David never stood a chance. So long, fellas.

So we end the night with a preview for the rest of the season and holy triceratops-riding Chris Harrison are we in for a good one. Here's some of what ABC's beautiful producers/real life heroes have in store for us:

  • Surprise Nick V, which is the best kind of Nick V. Proves that having an in with Chris Harrison is like having that skip-the-line pass at Disney World.
  • SEX! Not alleged sex disguised as skinny dipping. Real, bonafide boning. ~*dRaMa!!!*~
  • An alarming amount of Jared.

Points for each team have been tallied! Ryan M really did a number on this week's totals. Check your standings here. If you haven't submitted your team name, let me or Julie know soon!

Love and Roses,

Elizabeth and Julie
League Commissioners


  1. Julie's Jerks are still all accounted for! GO TEAM! Can't wait for Nick V's comeback. My excitement for this season has hit an unhealthy level.

  2. Also, we should give out some kind of certificate for best team name. Morgan's Men-nions is currently my favorite. It will never, however, beat Elizabeth: Team Rage Boner


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