Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Week Seven Recap: In Miami, Betch

This week Team JP headed back to the good ole US of A to spend some quality time in Miami. One group date and two Juan-on-Juan dates. (WHY HAVEN'T WE BEEN SAYING THIS THE WHOLE TIME? So many Juan puns, damnit.)

Sharleen was clearly shocked to get another Juan-on-Juan date, and wasn't exactly thrilled about it. She and Juan Pablo spent the day on a yacht, making out and not really talking about anything because Juan Pablo doesn't understand anything she says anyway. He masks this by saying he loves her beautiful words. We know this is code for, "ummm...QUE?" After her date, Sharleen joined the Cry On Renee's Shoulder Club where she confessed (again) that she doesn't really Juant to be here anymore. 

Here's how this works: if you aren't effusive enough about Juan Pablo/getting a date, you're ungrateful and don't deserve it. WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE, BITCH?? If you're too eager, you're desperate and immature. Clearly not ready to settle down and have a family. You really can't win here. Apart from the fact that I a) hate everyone and b) get sunburned way too easily, I'd probably suck at being on this show.

Nikki got the second Juan-on-Juan date and got to meet Camila and the baby mama. She's a great pick for this date because her entire career is based on interacting with children. Sharleen likely would've had a panic attack if she had been there. Nikki was cute and charming but pretty unremarkable, save for the fact that she was wearing cutoff jorts to meet her boyfriend's family. If I were in that situation I would have been so peeved at Juan Pablo. Like please give me some advance notice so that I wear actual items of clothing when I meet your family. She obviously didn't tell the other girls about meeting Camila, though, because they only hate her a little bit. If they knew, they would have hated her one million times much more.

The group date was boring, they just went to the beach and sat around and talked. Where are the helicopters, ABC?! But Andi cried so she got the rose. Clare was pissed. Juan Pablo and Andi spent the rest of the evening together while the other girls took the plane back to the hotel to hang out with Nikki. 

Clare tried to pick a fight with Nikki, earning them each five verbal confrontation points! Nikki wasn't really into it, and called Clare "f*cking crazy." I mean, she's just saying what everyone else is thinking. I applaud that.

Really holding out for some major drama next week, when we'll have 2 episodes jam packed with adventure. Hometowns and fantasy suites in the same week! So many betch tears! 

Unfortunately Team Emily did not live up to its name. Emily's last bitch, Chelsie, did not get a rose and was sent packing. Week six standings, in descending order. Roster updates can be viewed here.

164 points - MC's McSluts
121 points - Elizabeth's Slam Pieces
 92 points - Cooney's Cunts
91 points - J$'s Dime$
89 points - Audrey's Fetch Betches
85 points - Julie's Jezebels
72 points - Shannon's Slutty Senoritas

70 points - Corinne's Circle of Bitches 
69 points - Team Emily: My Bitches Get Roses
25 points - Maggie's Maids of Mischief

Will you assept dis rose?


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