League Rules and Point Categories

Roses to Riches is very similar to Fantasy Sports in that you draft a team of contestants and their actions on the show earn points for your team. The goal is to earn the most points, and not necessarily have the winner. Exact point categories and values are provided to registered pools and participants. If you're interested in playing, get together a group of 6-8 people, pay the $1/person dues, and join in the fun!

Each season the rules and point categories of the Roses to Riches Bachelor League change to reflect the current Bachelor/Bachelorette and their group of contestants.

The Bachelorette - Rachel


Prize payouts vary among pools, but we recommend the following payouts:
8 players each pay in $20. Winner gets $80, second place gets $50, third gets $25, first eliminated gets a $5 bottle of wine
7 players each pay in $20. Winner gets $75, second place gets $40, third gets $20, first eliminated gets a $5 bottle of wine


First rose of the ceremony
Final Rose of the evening
Group date rose
One-on-one date rose
Two-on-one date rose
Not eliminated/Receives a rose in ceremony


Reads date card aloud. Double points if retrieved at a pace above a walk
Hotel/resort name drop
Describes another contestant as weird, a freak, or a douchebag
Interrupts another contestant's one-on-one time to claim her own one-on-one time
Compares date activity to relationship
Demonstrates artistry as a form of flattery (not necessitated by the date activity)
Mentions another contestant’s occupation, either maliciously or in jest
Hot Tub Points
References Rachel's previous season (double points if Nick is mentioned by name)
Botches a common English idiom (e.g. “throwing down the gauntlet”)
Gratuitous nakedness (not necessitated by date activity)
Race relations (participates in a conversation about interracial relationships)
Shouts from an elevated area (e.g. rooftop, balcony, mountainside). This can be a solo activity or in unison with other contestants and/or The Bachelorette
Cries man tears
Gets visibly/unreasonably/inappropriately drunk (once per setting, i.e. rose ceremony vs. date)
Says, "I hate drama" or similar phrase indicating that he actually loves drama. "Not here to make friends" also included.
Warns Rachel that another contestant is "here for the wrong reasons" or "a different person when you're not around"
Requires medical attention
Gets in a physical altercation/extreme verbal confrontation
Commits the Cardinal Sin: steals Rachel for one-on-one time after already having received a rose for that week
Unceremonious elimination/self-removal
Has a girlfriend or a surprise child
Engages in extra-Fantasy Suite sexual activity (must be confirmed on screen by at least one of the two alleged guilty parties)
Comes back after being eliminated or leaving


First Impression Rose
"Falling for" Rachel
First Real Kiss
First Private Concert
First Helicopter Ride
"I Love You"

We need the $$$